Every lapse, miscue, slip up, stumble, bungle, fluff, slip, trip, boo-boo and blunder is an offer. That’s what the Unstoppable Bannock and Clack believe. George Madeline Clack and Katherine Bannock, take the stage once again to present the greatest show that never was. Joy Provision (Rena Taylor and Ethan Resendes) embody their childhood personas to give you a show that’s almost too much, yet not enough. We have had the pleasure to strut our stuff at TOsketchFest (Producer’s Pick 2022), Montreal SketchFest (Best of Fest Showcase), Philly SketchFest (Winners of The Most Likely to confuse Taco Bell for the Liberty Bell).
Small Friend Tall Friend is a sketch-comedy group created by interheights besties: Becky Ablack and Zoe Marin. They recently performed their sketch revue “Do You Think You’re Better Than Me?” at the Toronto Fringe Festival and Hamilton Fringe Festival (Critics’ Pick!) with the full SFTF group (Stephanie Perri, Rayhan Jabbar, and David Civcic💖).
Hillary Yaas is a multi-award winning stand up, sketch and improv comedy drag queen comedienne. She mixes glamour with camp, but rarely at the same time - and is also her own secretary! A tireless self-producer she has created many LGBTQ+ improv, sketch and comedy shows.